Possum by Tracy & Shell / Your Mama & Your Mousie

~The Rainbow Bridge For Ratties~
There comes a time when an extra special,
gentle hearted one
is needed for a very special task.
A task that only the most powerful
of God’s creatures can fulfill.
That is when a rattie is called,
to join with others
in this beautiful wondrous place….
A place called The Rainbow Bridge.

In this magical place,
the sun is always warm upon their fur.
Here, there is a neverending stash pile
of every imaginable rattie treat.
A rattie’s home is everywhere.
There are no cage bars to peer out of…
Instead, endless fields of beautiful sunflowers and snug cozy fluffy clouds
to rest a rattie’s sleepy head upon.

Here, there are many arms to snuggle them,
and many rattie friends to play with.
Old ratties are young once again.
Sick or injured ratties are restored to health.
Lonesome ratties who never found homes,
or were never touched by love ..
now have all they always dreamed of.
Ratties who were abused neglected or abandoned,
now only know kindness and love.
Baby ratties, and all those who were sent to earth for just a short time,
return here to be blessed
with the ultimate reward …
The reward of ”Forever”…
Forever to be happy healthy and young.

Each rattie who arrives at the gates
of their new forever home,
is allowed to bring with them
some items to share with the others.
Some ratties bring treats, others toys,
and some arrive carrying reminders of the comforts of their earthly home.
But there is always one
priceless possession that each
and every little one brings with them.
That is, the love shared between their hearts,
and the hearts of their
human companions on earth…
Or for some, the love of their companion rattie
who waits at the gates to help each cross safely.
Why does every rattie arrive carrying this gift?
The answer is simple .. Because Love Never Ends

Every night, as a rattie lays
their sweet head down to rest,
this is the prayer they send out
on the gentle breeze,
to their beloved earth companions …
with a kiss on the forehead for sweet dreams

** Thank you for making my life on earth a treasure to hold in my heart always.
** Through your tears, please remember to smile because I am young and healthy once more.
** Carry our love in your heart no matter where you go or what life brings your way…
for I live on in a place all our own.
** Remember, you have a very powerful guardian angel now, and I will protect you always.
** I’m everything I am, because you love me.

Stand out on our porch.
Look for the brightest most beautiful star.
Hold out your hand.
Catch the wish I send to you
from the heavens….
When another who needs
your love and kindness calls to you,
open your heart and let them snuggle right in,
as you did for me.
Feel my heartlight.
It shines just for you.
Forever and always.

** I Wuv You * I Wuv You * I Wuv You **



*You Are Our Heartlight*
21, July 2006
Tracy & Shell