Precious Griffeth by Lily and chuck Griffeth

To our sweet angel Precious, Mommy and Daddy miss you soooo much, sweetheart. There is such a big hole in our hearts since you left us. This house is so empty without you in it. Mommy can’t stop crying for you. I miss picking you up and kissing you and holding you. Daddy and Mommy miss taking you for your ride in the truck. But I know you are at the rainbow bridge waiting for us and we will come and take you across with us.

We love you so much. We love you so much; we don’t have any love left for any other pets so don’t worry, my sweetie, no one wil ever take your place. So please wait for your mom and dad. Mommy still hasn’t picked up your water bowl. I still change your water and your chair is still there with your leash and collar. laying on it so please wait for us, our Dearest angel Precious.

Love you forever,

Mommy and Daddy


Precious Griffeth
9, July 2007
Lily and chuck Griffeth