Pud-Pud by Weaver Family / Your family, Daddy, Mum, Melani, and all the kids and grand babies

Dear Pud-Pud,

You left us yesterday morning and I don’t know how I am going to get through this. You are the best thing that ever happened to us. We were with you when you were born, and we were with you when you passed away. We loved you from the minute we saw you. Ten years is not enough time to have spent with you. I am having so many mixed feelings right now. I am feeling loss, pain, anger and guilt for not doing some things differently. We knew you were getting older and things were changing with your health. We tried to do everything we could to help you. But there is always that ” why didn’t we do this, or why didn’t we do that, or maybe we should have done this or maybe we should have done that”. But getting passed that, you had a great life and ours was all the greater for having you with us for 10 short years. We treated you like royalty because we loved you so much. I know you loved us just as much and then some.

Your buddies Zoe and Ziggy are missing you, and everyone else is missing you very very much too. The house will never be the same. Everything is a reminder of you. I hope in time that will be a good thing. But for now, this is a heartache that will never go away.

We used to scold you for barking when we came home or if you wanted something. Right now I would give anything to hear that bark. Our pain is just beginning, but thankfully yours is over now. Thank you for all the memories and being part of our family. We will cherish you forever.

Wherever you are my friend, I hope you can join Grandma Nellie, Charly, Daisy, and your mom and dad, Sammy and BJ. Someday we will all be together again, and that will truly be “heaven”.


Love you very much,
Weaver Family