
Feb. 14 1995 —- Sept. 3 1999

Chinese Pug

We first got Puggers in Feb. of 1995 and he was our first pug.

We immediately fell in love with him.

We got a brother to him six months later – Louis they were the best of friends .

Puggers loved to play soccer it was his favorite thing to do next to eating.

In 1998 just after Thanksgiving he had his first seizure in the evening-

we thought he was going to die then . We made many trips to the vets-

they thought he had epilepsy and was treating him with medications,

almost thought it was getting better.

In July started to have more and more seizures longer and more frequent.

By August other things were happening moving in circles .

By the end of August our vet had suggested we take him to Cornell University.

It was then diagnosed that he had pug encephalitis- I had started to do some checking on

my own as Puggers got worse and new things were getting worse.

Well one day after he got really bad it was so hard to see him in any pain

and we had to make a decision to have him put to sleep I can still see his little

face even now – was the hardest thing I’ve done.

I held him when the vet gave him the shot and never regretted that .

We loved Puggers so much and still miss his cute little smile .

We now have other pugs we also love them so but they are so different

then Puggers.

We miss him so very much.


