Rambo by Payne


" Rambo "

Aug. 27 1987 ------ March 28 1999

Miniature Pinscher

I lost my best boy in the whole world "Rambo" on March 28 1999.

He was my "heart" and life is a little less bright for me now

that he is gone. A very close friend of mine and Rambo's wrote the

following poem:


Ram the Man


His ears were all cropped

and so was his tail

A stout-hearted chest

A proud-hearted male

A protector of home

and all he surveyed

A guardian on duty for

all of his days

Twelve years on his Earth was

All God would allow

For this precious puppy

We miss so much now

I know deep in my heart

On Rainbow Bridge he now stands

Watching and waiting to hear Mom say,

Come here to me Ram my Man




