Rascal by Kelly / Mommy

My Dearest Rascal….You came to me as a gift for my birthday. We were together all the time. I dressed you up for Halloween and Christmas, had a birthday party for you, even dressed you up for wedding pictures the day I got married.

You were my first “baby”. I was really upset the first day you were diagnosed with heart disease. I thought the medicine would make you better and you would live with me forever. It wasn’t until the past year that you started to fill with fluid and you seemed to get worse.
I’m heartbroken without you. I still look for you under “your” table. I’m sorry if you were trying to tell me sooner that it was your time to go. I should have known through the look in your eyes. I am glad I had the opportunity to give you a big backyard to enjoy for at least some time.

I know that you are at peace now and not suffering anymore. You are now young and playful again. With every rain drop that falls, I think of you crying for me to be with you. I miss your kisses! And hugging you!
Until we meet again, keep watching over me and give Nanny a kiss for me. I know you missed her as much as we do!

You were the best dog anyone could ever ask for.
You were my #1!!!


Love & Licks
7, Oct 2002