May 10,1998 was a very sad day for our family as it became
time to put our Shitzu “Ricky” to sleep.
He was having difficulty breathing due to Congestive Heart failure.
The loss was especially painful because he had been with our family since
our oldest son was 9 months old.
Our son is now 12 and “Ricky” was his dearest pet.
Our oldest son Ty was born with Spina Bifida – an extremely serious spine
disorder – and has been through countless surgeries the last one being
just 3 days after Ricky died. It has been a great loss here at our home.
It truly is like one of us is missing. He was such a great part of our
family and is sadly missed. Some people who never bond with a pet as we
do find it difficult to understand our grief. I am glad to see we are not alone.
Last year we also lost our Golden Retriever who was only 6 months old.
He was hit by a car which was even more of a shock to all of us because
it was so unexpected and sudden. It is terribly painful to lose a pet this way.
I know we did the best thing when we decided to put Ricky to sleep. He
was in a great deal of pain. But when does the hurt go away? When do you
forget daily routine of having a dearly loved dog in our house?
I am constantly looking for him to take him outside. And every time there is
a storm and it begins to thunder I still look for him because I remember
how frightened he became at the sound and how I would have to
comfort and reassure him.
We hope this article in some ways helps others.
We are thankful for “In Memory of Pets”.
It makes us realize we are not alone .
Ricky |