Riley O`Hooey by Nancy Pants / Mommy, Apuakea and Johnny

My Little Boy Riley O’Hooey…Riley Boy…Go Riley Go!!! Where’s your Chickie?? Get it Riley Get it.Your a Good Boy.

My little boy. I never had an animal that I loved like I took to this dog. I made him a sweet sweet baby boy forever. He would lick the walls and doors and the pillows. I told everyone and him too…”he’s cleaning the world”. When his eyes where doing their weepy thing and people would call him stinky face I would say ” Riley is a nurturer and he cries for the world”.

You went all over Montana Riley. Camping, hiking, Marysville house and the town mayor.You had Conor Boy to grow up with and we felt your heart break when
we had to part from him.

Riley you gave the whole world your wonderful love. I will always love you. I cannot wait until I feel you in my arms again. Thank you for giving me ever part of your being ever single day of our lives together. You are my champion. My heart is forever broken. I love you Riley. Your a good boy. Rest peaceful and play hard. Mommy loves you Riley Boy. I love you too Riley. You are forever in my heart.
Your sister, Apuakea.


Riley O`Hooey (riley of the north),
Riley O`Hooey
10, Mar 2006
Nancy Pants