Rosco by Don & Nancy Lancor / Love,
Your Daddy & Mommy

This little man started out in life with a wonderful mommy & daddy, then they broke up and our son married someone who was very jealous of the relationship that Rosco`s daddy had for him and abused him terribly for 6 and 1/2 yrs. My daughter finally took this baby and
another little min pin girl named minnie.

The family decided that enough was enough and we would all pitch in and take care of them. Rosco got really sick about a year and a half later and then we found out that he had diabetes and then 2 wks later he went blind. We told my daughter that we would take him and try and get his eyes done. The surgery was expensive and my daughters helped to pay most of the expense of the surgery and we took and traveled
to the surgeon to have it done.

Rosco had bonded with my husband when he lived with my daughter when she had him a year. They lived right across the alley from us and my husband was retired at the time and he would go and get Roo and Minnie and my daughters other 2 little doggies and bring them over every day to visit so they all wouldn’t be bored. And our other 2 little min pins use to love to go over
and get them.

Anyway every day that he would take them home, Roo would drag his feet till one day he just curled up in our king size bed with the other 2 and thinking no one would notice, and stayed the rest of his little furry 7# life. Daddy had to go back to work in order to pay for all these vet bills and the ones to come and etc. so we all hit the road in our 32 ft motorhome and came to California to work, leaving our home and nice big yard boarded up for later. Roo and his adopted brother Ziggy and Sisters Zarah and Frisco(the kitty) went tramping with our daddy.

Sometimes it was a hand full but never boring and they were all so good together and enjoyed each other soooooooo much. Daddy even bought us a new 38 ft motorhome with 2 slideouts so that we were all comfy, what a wonderful daddy. They all love to take their walks and go on a new adventure every day.

Everything went pretty good until Roo got sick in Phoenix, AZ in the summer of 2001 and then again this past summer and then in Jan. of this year. Every time he got a bout of something, it took a little bit more quality of life from him. He really started to age this last time. He was such a proud little guy and when he got where he couldn’t hold back from urinating in his bed and on the floor and the meds wouldn’t work, it was like it was embarrassing him. I could see the sparkle going
from his big brown eyes.

He was the most loving baby we have ever known. He was so full of love that it was overflowing. Everybody who ever came in contact with this little boy, fell in love with him. He was one of a kind that is for sure. He was so polite and grateful and showed it every minute the last years of his life. He would do little donuts and stand on his hind legs for his little treats and would wait patiently till his brother Zig and sis Zar would get theirs and then he would get in there and get his.

My little 10 and 1/2 yr. old Ziggy and his daughter 9yr old Zarah and even our 14yr old Frisco the kitty miss him sooooooo much. Zig and Zar hardly will eat and Ziggy goes and sleeps in Roo`s bed at night. They were there when Roo passed away in his daddy`s arms and they had to give him a kiss and a lick good-bye. I had to make myself go to the store a couple of days after Roo left us for his journey to the bridge, and when I came home Zig & Zar, even kitty, came running up with tails wagging and sniffing me and looking behind him, then it dawned on me that they were looking for Roo thinking that he was coming home from one of his many trips to the Vets. Then they got all sad again and went to Roo`s bed and Zig laid in it and Zar next to it. I really can’t get rid of it right now and don`t think it would be a good idea.

We need to grieve but also need to have our little Roo’s spirit and scent near us right now for awhile. I had to put his little halter and leash away where I didn’t see it when I took these others for their walks because Roo loved his walks. Maybe in a few days I will take his little bed and take it to a shelter where some other little baby can enjoy it.

Well this is our story of a little fur baby that was so much like a person that he could all but talk to you and sometimes he even tried that. We miss him coming up and pawing at your leg for you to pick him up, he loved to be cuddled and give kisses, loved the warmth of your lap. Our other babies are not the lap puppy that Roo was and they never begrudged Roo being in our laps.

We all miss you punkie doodle Roo. You are a very special angel and we won`t say good-bye. We will say “See You Later Sweet Baby boy” Rest peacefully and run with no pain with your new furry friends.
Daddy and Mommy Love You.


Love You Bunches Our Precious Roo,
Don & Nancy Lancor