Rosemary the Imposter by Geri / Geri

This is a tribute to an unusual cat, with an unusual name: “The Imposter”! At my job site, there was a wonderful stray cat, Anna Maria Alberghetti, who wandered all over the place for so many years. At times, I could pet her, so when “she” ran up to me one day and let me pet her, it wasn’t a big surprise – just one thing was wrong – she was much darker in color, too much black in her mixed-color coat, and didn’t look as old and raggedy as she always did. Well, I decided that my eyes were playing tricks on me! Soon, however, it became clear that this was NOT Anna Maria, so I started referring to her as “The Imposter”, then “Rosemary, the Imposter”! She also wandered all over the place and I never saw too much of her – she popped up at all different times, in different places! She was now easy to spot because the tip of her tail was a cream color but she was a mostly black, with a little dark orange, tortoise shell kitty. She was definitely not old, not like 17 year old Anna Maria. I naturally started a “campaign” to trap her and have her neutered. Then, one day, she suddenly appeared and looked so bad,
I couldn’t believe it!

She was crying and crying and looked much too thin. Very quickly, I was able to trap her and within a few days, it was discovered that she was positive for FELV. I also found out from an employee on the job grounds, that this was a cat she had known as a kitten and had called her “Daisy” – and that “Daisy” was only about 6 years old and had lived her life on the grounds. So, poor little “Rosemary the Imposter”, AKA “Daisy”, had to go to the Rainbow Bridge, where no doubt she met up with the “original”, Anna Maria, who had gone to the Rainbow Bridge on March 6th. This kitty truly WAS a “Great Pretender”.


Missing her,
Rosemary the Imposter
24, May 2013