
To My Dog Rudy;

This is my wittle wetter to you. I am just a wittle kid I am onwee 2. But I just feel wike I’m missin sumpin and I dess dat sumpin is you. You were just a baby when my Mommy brought you home. She had to feed you mushy stuff and you cryed when you were awone. We had a weal hard time teachin you to go potty in the yard. Sometimes Daddy yelled at you and fussed at you too hard. Rudy I have been wonderin where have you been gone? You used to always play wiff me it didn’t madder just how wong.There was this day my Mommy and me went to the store. We went and when we got home my Mommy cryed and cryed some-more. Then I looked and looked for you and you were in Mommy’s arms. I think sumpin was wrong cause Mommy was outside with you and it was not at all warm. Well anyway Rudy all I wanna say is if you feel wike playin wiff me pwease come back to my house again ok..?

Love Kasey


19, November 2000