Rusty by Ann & Nasser Tabatabaei / Love,

Mommy, Daddy and Raisin xoxoxoxo

Our dearest, sweetest, loveliest Pumpkin boy,

Oh how our hearts ache for you!
You followed Daddy home from the market
and let us know that you chose us to watch over.
Your unconditional love, steady strong purrs
and unending appetite for human food
only endeared you more to us than we could think possible.

During our times of crisis and loss
You were always at our sides, offering kisses
and purrs and sweet kitty nudges!
We always called you an “Angel” because we knew that God sent you to us to give us comfort and to show us how to really love with your whole heart and soul.

You know that we loved you from the depths of our souls and how much you mean to us and how much your going to the Rainbow Bridge leaves us with such aching. But we know that you are now pain-free and reunited with your beloved Roxy! We know she was so excited to see you!

Your many nicknames exemplified
your amazing disposition:

Braveheart: Because your shadow sometimes scared the bejesus out of you!

Lusty: Because you probably fathered more than half the kittens in Kensington Market!

Mr. Gorgeous: Because you are the most handsome
boy ever!

Pumpkin: Because you have the most luxurious orange fur!

Spidey: Because you thought
you were Spiderman the way you
would climb up the dressers!

Lovey: Because you are always in our hearts!

Thank you, our dear sweet Angel, for bringing joy, love, laughter and purrs into our loves! We are so much
the richer for it!


We love you and miss you and can't wait to see you at the Rainbow Bridge!
28, Dec 2005
Ann & Nasser Tabatabaei