Ryder by Lisa / Mommy

My sweet baby boy, you were taken from me to young! Everyday I hurt so bad. I miss you so much. I can’t sleep cause I keep feeling you next to me, I don’t want to go home cause I know you aren’t going to be there.
You are always on my mind baby boy! I keep wishing that gate would not of got opened so you wouldn’t of got out & ran down on the road to be hit by a car. I didn’t know baby. I was looking for you in the house, I ran out back to find you & seen the gate was open. Me & the girls kept yelling for you, I was looking everywhere until daddy found you on the road up the street.
I am so sorry sweetheart! I keep wishing & wishing you were still here with me. I keep telling myself I am ok, but I’m not ok without you! We only got to spend 7 months together, but the bond we had will never be broken, you will always be with me baby boy!
I hope you are running around with your duckie & chewing your bone & being the happy baby boy that I knew. There is so much I want to say to you but I can’t stop crying ~ I love you so much.
Rest in peace my sweet little baby boy!


Nothing will ever replace you in my heart, my love for you is endless!!