Sabotbieul Bothra by Chris Thompson / Chris

I got my boy from a friend for $25.00 at three weeks old because of his living circumstances. He was so little I carried him in my backpack everywhere I went, he never left my side, I even took him to work with me. When he got older he would whine if I left him anywhere until I got back, he would escape out of anything to find me, he once escaped out of my truck and came running through the back of a resturant we were eating at. Everyone was screaming but when they met him they laughed, he was like a human.

I never even put him on a leash. Well one day I had to move from the country into town. I packed my bags and stayed one last night, but when I woke up he was out getting love from his girlfriends. He always did, he would usually be gone for about 3 days and return with a full gut and swollen balls. I started freakin out, I didn’t have three days, I waited as long as I could then I left driving to check on him everyday for about 6 months.

Well 1 year and 5 months went buy no sign of him, only dreams that I had found him driving me crazy, I told everyone I would find him. Then one morning brushing my teeth I hear my buddy come in screamin I found an old friend of yours, he came running in and tackled me, WORDS CANNOT EXPLAIN WHAT I FELT AT THAT MOMENT, he had found my buddy’s moms house which he had never been to before he had smelled his sister which is my friends dog.
They called him and said theres a pitbull outside and it won’t leave, when he got there he couldn’t belive it, he actually found me!



All My Love,
Sabotbieul Bothra
Chris Thompson