Sam by Rachel / Mommy

With Sammy it was love at first sight. The measures I went through to get her are pretty crazy. I just graduated from high school and was working at the humane society. She was brought in one day and I knew she was the dog for me…or maybe she knew she was the dog for me. Her ears were bigger than her head. She was 10-12 weeks old. I lived with my parents and they would not allow me to get my own dog. We already had a family dog. That is when I knew I had to get my own place because I had to have her. I moved out and 6 months later moved back in and she quickly became the boss of the family dog (and everyone else). Sam was known for her dominance. Although that is not what other dog owners called it. She was my protector from day one. Even as a pup she would growl at anyone who hugged me. To the very end 16 years later
she was still protecting me.

Baby girl:

I talk to you often and I hope that you hear me. I hope that you know that the decision that I made for you on August the 15th was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life. I did it for you. You are my best friend. I love you more than you can ever understand. You were the most dignified and loyal animal ever. I could not bare to see you look ill. I could not bare to see you feel as if you were unable to do your job that I know you loved. Your sole purpose (besides eating)was for me and I am the luckiest person in the world to have you
to protect me for so long.

I know that you are happy now and that you can watch over me at all times. You have your eyesight back and are able to hear everything like you used to. You and Beau are reunited (be nice to him) and Gram and Papa are taking good care of you now. I love you and know that I will miss you everyday for the rest of my life. I hope to see you in my dreams. Rest in peace my sweet baby girl.


Love you always,