Sambo by lsulover / Mama, Daddy, Shawn, Lora, Desiree, and Josh

It has been almost 5 months since we had to put our beloved dog Sambo to sleep. Some days I just miss him so bad, and on those days I think my heart is breaking into a million pieces. My head is telling me that he is healthy and he can see again, and I am so very happy for that, but then there are days my head doesn’t tell my heart that. I still look for him all the time in the house. I have not been able to throw away his things yet. I still wanna keep them around.

I just want Sambo to know how much he was loved and how much he is missed. I know he is happy at Rainbow Heaven. And I am so very happy that he can see again. My heart just bubbles over when I think of that.


We Love You and Miss You, Sambo.