Sammy by Chris Jobin / Daddy

Old age finally caught up with Sam on Saturday and she passed away at home. She survived our other Golden “Kelly” by over a year(Kelly’s tribute is also posted on this website). Sammy adopted us
when she was six weeks old.

I think she chose us because we happen to live on the water which was one of her two great passions. Her other passion was rocks! No sticks for this girl, but throw a rock and she’d fetch indefinitely! Throw a rock in the water and she’d submerge herself until she found it!

She was a great loyal pal and the grief is painful, but there is solace in knowing she is no longer suffering. I buried Sammy with her blanket and a rock under a place where she so often ran and played in her younger days. Rest well, “Brown Girl”, You’ll be in my heart forever!


Much Love,
Chris Jobin