Sandi Patty by Lou Ann Pugliese / Mother

Sandi Patty was dropped off on my doorstep in 2001. She was very tiny and had not even opened her eyes yet. I fed her and took her to a friend who had a cat that was nursing with the promise I could have her back at a later date when she was healthier.

There was something special about this cat, she looked like a cat I had lost to intestinal problems the year before after 14 years and I believed and still do that she was sent to me so I would not miss that
one “Marley” so much.

She grew and grew and grew. I was only meant to have her for four years though, but in those years she stole potato chips off my plate and talked to me all the time.She sat on my hip and taught her little brother “Charles” how to take care of me after she was gone. Two days before she died she was on me licking me on the face and I do not care what anyone says, she was kissing me “good-bye


I will always love you, Sandi.
Sandi Patty
Lou Ann Pugliese