Sarge by Ernest


" Sarge "

1981 - 1983 ------ June 20 1999


Sarge you always brought a smile to my face,

you always lifted my spirits when I felt down,

rest assured I will never forget you,

and no animal could ever take your place.

I remember when I used to walk you in the woods,

and you sniffed everthing in sight.

You were a well-traveled dog,

you went all across this great land.

All our animals loved you dogs and cats,

and my entire family will never foget you,

for all the joy you brought to my life.

Someday hopefully with the passage of time,

the tears will cease to flow down my face,

but until that time I will never forget you.

Rest in peace Sarge:


With love Ernest H. Stalder(and family)...

including all the animals

who miss you.





