Well Sasha-girl, you may no longer be with mommy, daddy, Sy, & Misty in body, but you’ll always be with us in spirit. You’re up there in heaven now with Sheba and I bet you two are just having a blast. We know the last few months weren’t your best, not being able to run free outside like you so loved to do. You still had your spirit for these past few months, but when that left you, we knew it was time. Taking you to Dr. Dan and having him put you down was the hardest thing we ever had to do, but it was definitely best for you and you made sure I knew it just before we left on that fateful journey. Sasha, you crossed over so peacefully and that eased the pain mommy & daddy were feeling.
We went back home to Goldsboro yesterday and when we returned today it was hard coming into the house without you being here. Though we know we made the right decision at the right time for you, we all miss you so much. Mommy & daddy will always love you and miss you, like we have Sheba since she passed on three years ago. It gives us peace knowing you two are back together again and looking down over us now.
Just know we’ll never stop loving you… ever!!!
Sy and Misty seem to be doing ok, though I’m sure they both miss you. Anyway girl, run until your little heart’s content in those heavenly pastures above. I bet those back legs, that failed you so down here on Earth, are kicking up a storm now aren’t they. Well, you and Sheba take care of one another until we all meet again.
Sasha |
31, Mar 2006 |
Dale & Cyndy Bailey |