Sasha by Edith Robinson / Your Human Mom

You came to me as a foster at 1yr old after being kept in a basement 24/7 in a crate. It took 2 weeks to re-train you the right way,
but you never gave up.

You were adopted out 5 times in hopes of your forever home. No one understood your high energy and the 5th time they understood and loved you but had so many medical problems that they couldn’t take care of you anymore, so you came back to me again.

Why didn’t I listen to your eyes everytime you left. I should have let you stay from the beginning, but you came back and we made a promise, that you would stay with me until you decided it was time to leave. I just didn’t know that it would come all of a sudden and that you would be in pain. We both had to make the decision to let go on that cold December day. But not before you had made so many friends
that would miss you forever.

My heart has hurt every day that you have been gone. I can no longer hear your collar and tags jingle when you walked in the yard. But because you made such an impact on my life I wanted to have something to remember you always.

Now you are with Beauregard, Snickelfritz and Kodi all waiting for me one day. It brings much joy to know that you are no longer in pain and you can run and play again.
Be happy until we meet again.


You Are So Missed,
Edith Robinson