Oct. 21 1995 ------ April 24 1999
American Pit Bull
He wasn't pick-of-the-litter but as a pup I knew I had
a diamond-in-the-rough;
an American Pit Bull not vicious just misunderstood
but inside a real creampuff.
I gave him unrequited love and a good life in a
working-man's neighborhood
he gave me back more love than I could bargain for
and many would understood.
Scarver McCarver was the All-American bulldog
like Petey in the Lil Rascals "Our Gang,"
who guarded our humble abode with a bark worse
than the look from his fangs.
He died an untimely death while protecting those who he loved
from a son with mental problems he trusted now
he's in bulldog heaven above.
SCARVER McCARVER you're the greatest bulldog I've ever owned.
I wished I could have written a more fitting poem
but I'm still in mourning over your loss.
God Bless You Scarver McCarver!!!
Sans Peur Kenels
Scarver McCarver |