
1973 —- 1992


I remember the day we got Schnapps as if it were yesterday.

It was the year before I went into kindergarten.

My Mom picked him out of the litter because of the way he made noises.

It wasn’t a regular dog bark it sounded really funny.

Schnapps was a male Schnauzer. He loved car rides going for

walks around the farm and of course making those funny noises.

I think he really wanted to bark like a normal dog.

It never happened though he tried.

His favorite toy was a red mouse that he had since a pup.

While we were growing up he even had his pictures taken with us.

As he aged his teeth rotted and had arthritis.

A year before he was put to sleep he started getting himself caught in

several different ways that you had to rescue him in.

I couldn’t stand going to the vet the day my mother took him to be put down.

But I said my good-byes and I knew it was for the best.

He was in so much pain.

Every once and a while if I am at Mom’s I can still see out of the

corner of my eye Schnapps walking down the hallway —

to come visit me.

We still love you Schnapps.


