Scruffie by Andy & Helen / Daddy & Mommy

My dear Scruffie,

I am having a very hard time with the loss of my dog, Scruffie. She was a female Wired Fox Terrier only 8 years, 9 months old. She would nudge (scratch) my arm when I was asleep so I would let her out or when she wanted a treat. She would lay at the top of the stairs in the morning and wait for me, as I would rub her belly and pat her head when I was going down the stairs. She would let me know it was time to feed her, should I be late, by getting her bowl and pawing it, making a noise or bringing it to me. She was such a wonderful and good girl.

She loved to go for a ride or walk. My wife made a special seat to fit between us in the front seat. She would sit there like the princess that she was (is). Sometimes she would lie on my wife’s lap.

Scruffie and I would sit on the top of the deck stairs in the evening and at night. We would look out over the yard and forest. This was our special time together. She always wanted me to to go outside with her. When I would be sitting in an easy chair near her doggie door she would nudge me to take her outside. She loved the outside.

She loved to go for walks around the lake at my daughters place or just go for a walk down the path.

Scruffie died Sunday. In my arms she took her last breaths and her heart beat its last time and then she was gone. We all almost died with her. We love and miss her so much. My wife, daughter and son were all there with me. It was very hard on all of us and still is. This is only the fifth day that we lost our baby. She was my little girl. The rest of our family is also feeling bad. We all are dog lovers and have many dogs in our family.

We lost four other dogs during the last 10 years and they are buried. Scurffie is being cremated and will be on our fireplace mantel.

I cry often. Today I saw her sweater draped over my chair and I draped it over my right shoulder, the same way I would carry Scruffie. It gives me some solace. I feel her presence. Scruffie was very special to me.

All this may sound silly to some because I am a 74 year old man with a great and wonderful family. But this me and how I feel.


We will always love and remember you,
Andy & Helen