Sweet wolf spirit where are you?
I search the wind for
the scent of your fur
and the sound of your singing
but no answer comes…
My soul cries out to yours
tears giving testimony
to the bond so
heartlessly broken…
You have touched the center
of my being
and righted the wrongs
in my life with
your generous heart and
unconditional love…
Your absence leaves me bereft
without direction…
I wake at night
my ankles unencumbered
by your fuzzy head
and reach for your spot on the bed
but find no goodnight puppy kiss…
Your mate searches her world
not understanding…
hoping to find you behind
every bush beyond each door…
Her eyes like mine
lose focus as they see
only memories and
the emptiness of your loss.
Your leaving came too quickly
— without warning —
We had no chance to say
And perhaps that is the
greatest pain of all.
by: Kelly Tyler
You are missed sweet Shadow.
Kelly-Mom & Sophie Dream Keeper
Shadow |
9, March 2002 |
Kelly-Mom & Sophie |