Shadow by Rachael H. / Rachael

Shadow was a little grey hamster, who weighed 25 grams, and had a brother named Mitten. Shadow had a personality like none other, and i will never forget him.

On the first day we got Shadow, we brought him and his brother Mitten home in a little box. (Mitten is still alive, but he will probably go soon) Anyways, I would cry, and cry because he wouldn’t come to me. Now, that’s all he ever wants to do.

About six months into his life, Shadow had a fall off the kitchen table and he broke his neck. He should have died that day, but my entire family was praying, and God saved his life. All of a sudden his neck was back in place, like nothing happened. We brought him to a vet anyways so we could check if anything serious really had happened. They told us that he was completly fine, though it was amazing he didn’t break anything. (We were really surprised) We got him some medicine, and my Dad had to “paddle him” (which means turn him over so his belly was up) and squirt the medicine in with a tiny dropper. Shadow trusted him, and felt very safe.

I came in to my room on February 22nd, to get my PJ’s on, but first I went to check my hamsters. Mitten was playfully running around in the bottom, but Shadow was belly up in the food dish. I picked him up and he squirmed a little, but he was barely breathing. I screamed and called for my parents. It looked like Shadow was on his way out. We made him comfortable, and peacfully held him. About 15 minutes before he died, while my dad was holding him, he reared up with all his strength (which wasn’t much), and made an attempt to come to me. My father gave him to me, and went to call his parents. I gave him a kiss and told him how much i loved him, and that it was going to be alright. I was sitting in the kitchen talking with him, when he made a twitch and his final breath. I knew right then, that my little baby was dead. Everyone in the family had a chance to say goodbye to Shadow as we laid him to rest. We said a prayer and I read a special eulogy that I wrote for him. I also found a bible verse that says that God knows of even when a sparrow drops. I know that Shadow was welcomed HOME by God. I am sure Shadow is enjoying his new life!

He really was a beautiful hamster, and he lived a good long life. I dont think he could have wished for a better death. He had his family surrounding him, and he died in the arms of a girl who loved him very much. I’d just like to tell you that you never know how much you love your pet until it dies, and you feel like a part of you is missing. I only spent two years with shadow, but he was so close to my heart. I will love him forever, and he’ll always be my baby.


With My Dearest Love,
Rachael H.