Shadow (Kitty) by Louise McGannon / Mom

Dear Shadow,

You became my kitty despite our rough start when I met you. I am so glad that we became friends, it was our fault, not yours. I can’t believe that we didn’t let you become part of the family, but you hung in there with us and did.

I hope your life was ok, you were such a survivor by riding to town with Ralph when all your siblings were being killed.

I know you didn’t understand about having to live in the shed, I wish the end of your life could of been different. Then I don’t know how you got outside Sunday morning, I didn’t know. I saw you laying out there, but never thought it could be you. I knew the end was near, just didn’t want to face it & can never believe it when it does happen.

I still look for you everytime I check on OJ & Bailey, I still check for you when I come home from work. Do you remember following us on our walks in town? Do you remember being picked up by animal control? I am so glad we got you out of there. Please forgive us for all our mistakes & I will see you soon.


With much much love,
Shadow (Kitty)
3, Mar 2013
Louise McGannon