We miss our Shane so very much. Shane was humanely put to rest because of complications from diabetes and old age. He got diabetes at the age of ten. At that time our vet advised us to put him down. He said giving him insulin shots, twice a day, would be too much of a hardship on us. However, if we could save him, even for just a time, we wanted to try. Over the next 31 months we gave him two daily shots of insulin which did enable him to have a richer and fuller life, for a longer time, which in turn blessed our life while sharing the joy of him daily. Until we lost Shame we did not realize that along with him we also had grown old. We miss scratching his belly when he would roll over in front of us wanting some love and attention. We miss seeing his silver body laying in the hall or near us wherever either of us might be. We sorely miss Shane coming up to us and tapping our legs with his paw to let us know he was there and wanted some love.
In the early morning he would brush against the foot of the bed to wake us up to let us know it was time for him to eat and get his insulin shot. Likewise, he would do the same if we took a nap in the afternoon. He had a built in clock that never seemed to fail. We still wake up during the night thinking we hear his little sigh, while laying at the foot of our bed, telling us all is well. Likewise, we think we still hear his bark letting us know he has to go out to do his business or to romp and
play with the neighbor dogs.
Shane was our “Little Man” whose love and devotion to us will never be forgotten. We look forward to seeing him on the other side, along with his older sister Misty. For now Shane, thanks for the great memories and love you always gave to us. You have an everlasting place in our hearts and you will never be forgotten.
So long for a while Shane, our “Little Man”.
Until we meet again
Ed & Jo Lynch |