Shera by Yvonne

I looked into your eyes
and seemed to know
that you were tired and
needed to go.

Your body was weak
but you kept on
you wanted to fight
but couldn’t for long.

During that morning
you stared at me
I only said:
“just sleep my sweet”.

You wouldn’t let me
out of sight
as if to tell me:
“I no longer can fight”.

I wasn’t there
when you fell asleep.
But in my heart I’ll always keep
your look so deep and
trying to tell:
“God calls me home I will be well”.

This poem is dedicated to my grandmother’s and my uncle’s girl who left us so unexpectedly by the vets. I have already posted a tribute to her on paw print #128. Yesterday night I couldn’t sleep so I started to write down my feelings. I was with her during her last day since I worked there as a vet assistant.I think she knew she was going to Rainbow Bridge her eyes said it all.

We miss you girl.
I’ll never forget you.



In memory of Shera
01/1993 —- 07/23/2001

P.S. The picture above was taken in 1996


23, July 2001