Simon by Beverly Ann Bloom / Mom, Dad and baby Zack

Helllo there, I would like to share my story about Simon, My first and only Siamese. I got Simon when I was 12 years old and we have been through many things together including LOTS of moves, Since my husband is in the Military, Simon was always an adventurer and he ran away often, but was always found and loved by the person who got him until we could pick him up.

He was so funny with his Siamese Meow and he was very white when he was born, But as he aged he became very dark. We loved him so much and when we heard we had to move overseas we just knew Simon had to come. So his first flight was in Sept. 2002, He did GREAT…We also got to fly him twice after that and all times he was in the cabin with me and not meowing at all.

Everywhere he went people would say how pretty he was. Simon lost alot of weight quickly and I could not come to terms with losing him because in 2002 he was diagnoised with cancer on his lump that was on his head, but the vet removed it and it never came back. But living in Holland has not been easy for Simon, I guess it is the dreary weather. But I could see him fading slowly.

So on March 16th we took Simon to the vet at 9:30 a.m. and he told me it was time for him to go but it was so hard. He told us we could have some time with him, so we brought him back home took a whole roll of film just of him and did what he used to love. Took him on a bike ride! He loved it and the sun was so beautiful that day. We took Simon back at 11:30 am and I was holding him while the doctor gave him the shot and Simon held on for so long. His little heart just didn’t want to stop…We cremated Simon and now have his ashes in his Urn in our bedroom, and every night I cry and think of the good times. It’s still very hard.
I love him so much.

He was and always will be a great friend, and I can’t wait to hold him and look in his blue eyes and tell him how much I miss him and love him. Cherish everyday with your animal. It will last a lifetime..
After all, they are your best friends….


I love you and Miss you, Simon Micheal.
Beverly Ann Bloom