Sir Gordon Marino by Joni / Mommy

We search long and hard to find a Sharpei with your temperment. I can remember when we brought you home at 6 months old. You would let baby Jackie pull all your winkles and you would just lay there.
Many people who first met you were afried because of your breed but everyone fell in love with you after spending just 10 minutes with you.
Dr. Carey was quite sad when you left us, because he said your were a rare Sharpei who loved people and especially children. Mommy did everything she could to try to find out what was making you sick. I even Called a specialist in Illinois, but you were just too weak to withstand the surgery, I guess Jesus needed you more in heaven than we do here, so be happy and play ith all the children in heaven. We will meet you at the bridge when it is time. Keep an eye out for me. I will be looking for you.
We will try to find another playmate, but no one will ever be able to take your place in our hearts. Please look over us and keep us safe just like you did when you were physically with us.


I love you very much, forever and ever,
Sir Gordon Marino