Smokey Bear by Paul, Candace, Savannah & Madi / Mom, Dad, Savannah, Madi, Roscoe and Dixie

To our little Smokey Bear:

We thank God every day that he gave you to us and let you spend the last 12 years as a member of our family. Today was one of the very hardest days we’ve had to endure. To say goodbye was almost too much to bare. We hoped and prayed that God would give us a few more months but the cancer and heart disease was too much for your tiny little body to deal with. In my heart I know ending your pain was the right thing to do, but I wish it was not something we had to endure. I hope you are there playing and running with your sister like the good ol days! I know we will meet again when we cross the bridge to heaven. Until then we will love you and miss you every day more and more!


With all the love in our hearts,
Smokey Bear
24, Aug 2005
Paul, Candace, Savannah & Madi