Smoky by Autumn Jones / Autumn

I sit here day after day
Wondering if my tears will ever go away
My heart is beating slow and dim
My life is finally gonna cave in
I know that your gone
But i just cant move on
I wanna be with you
But there’s nothing to do
I’ll be with you one day
Till then I’d like you to stay
Just for one last good day.

You might have read my other poems about Smoky. She was my best friend…it’s been about 4 years but I still miss her so much. There’s nothing in this world that could ever replace her. I would give anything to have her back, and I really mean anything. So Smoky if you’re out there still and you can hear me I’d like you to stay around, protect me like you have and if you’d like to, you can keep coming to my room at night. People think that I’m crazy for seeing you but I know that you’re out there somewhere and are still watching over me. Because when ever I feel really overwhelming emotions and don’t think that I can take it anymore I always see you.


I love you, Smoky.
I always will.
Autumn Jones