Snoopy by Debbie Hiddemen / Mom and Debbie

I was nine years old the first time that Snoopy came. When I saw him I had tears of joy. I didn’t want to put him down I just kept on giving him lots of hugs and kisses. Snoopy was only three weeks old when he came and he was still not steady on his feet yet. As Snoopy got bigger I would take him outside to play and he loved
sitting on the chair watching the cars.

Snoopy’s favorite toy was his orange football. Snoopy also loved his ice cream he would wait for that everyday around 8:00p.m. I miss Snoopy so much. Snoopy will live in my mom’s and my heart forever. Snoopy was a wonderful dog he was all white with some brown spots. The one thing that Snoopy didn’t like was the mail man.

I miss Snoopy so much everytime I look at pictures of him I just sit and cry. But know matter how many dogs that I will have in my life Snoopy will always be number one. Now I have a cute little puppy named Sparky. I can see some ways the way Sparky acts a little like Snoopy.

P.S. We both love you Snoopy and
we miss you.


With Love
Debbie Hiddemen