Snow by Debbie,Tony& Kirsty Akins / Mummy,Tony and Kirsty xxx

Snow was found abandoned on a very long lonely road in February 1998.She was flea ridden and covered with ticks when she was given to me by my neighbours. I believe that if you have a dog in your life, the dog lives in the HOUSE as a member of the family and after countless arguments, that is just what she did! She ruled the house and was known as “Debbie’s Dog”.
We all grew to love her, and the love we gave to her was given back three fold.
She was everyones friend, and everyone loved her.
Snow will be missed so much by her family and all who came to love her.
She was loyal, faithful, a true companion and a great lover of children.
Snow, chase your tennis balls in the sky!
Your presence is greatly missed, and we will meet again.


May your SAMMIE SMILE light up heaven.
We miss you, Love Your family here on Earth.
Debbie,Tony& Kirsty Akins