Socks by Corrine and Lawrence / Mummy and Daddy

I remember the first time
I laid eyes on you and how you called out to me,
I knew you were the one for me.
I remember the day I came home and
saw you sitting on the porch,
It was the best birthday present ever.
I remember the day I gave you beer.
It was my birthday and yours too!
I remember the day you met Mummy.
I was glad she loves you as much as I do.
I remember the first time
you ran out of the house,
We chased till we gave up and
you came back on your own.
I remember the day someone gave you a big bone.
We knew you had admirers.
I remember the day
we took you for a car ride.
You were so curious and
kept looking out of the window.
I remember the day we brought to
to “Concert in the Park”.
You were more interested in the other dogs
than listening to the music.
I remembered the day we brought you
to the vet for your jab.
You looked so scared.
I remember the day
we brought you for grooming.
You looked so neat and clean.
I remember how
we used to play peek-a-boo.
You knew where I hiding but still acted surprised
when you found me!
I remember the day we were playing around and
you chipped my tooth.
It was so painful but we had so much fun!
I remember the day
we smuggled you in our room
to sleep with us.
You kissed us “good morning” real early in the morning!
I remember the day I hid treats in my hand.
You, the super sniffer,
always knew which hand it was in.
I remember the day I cried.
You were there for me and
I knew things would be alright.
I remember the day I gave you chocolates.
You couldn’t stop asking for more.
I remember the day we had to leave for 4 months and
couldn’t take you along.
Our hearts were so heavy and
wished you won’t forget about us.
I remember how warm the days were.
Still you love to lie on the porch to sun bathe and
look up in the sky.
I remember how you chased those damn flies away.
I wonder if you ever caught any?
I remember how unconditional
your love is for us.
I know our love for you is unconditional too.


Loving you always,
4, Nov 2004
Corrine and Lawrence