spanky by Kathy Acton

You came into our lives as a foster kitten of 3 weeks, only to stay for 6 weeks. In that short time you worked your way into my heart and when the time came for you to return to the shelter I couldn’t let you go. You were my baby, my car cat, my cat in hats.

At 9 months I discovered that you had cancer in your left kidney and if not removed you would die. When all was said and done you became my $3000.00 cat. I was so happy that I saved your live. You were my boy and couldn’t see life without you in it. You grew and became healthy to the despair of Maggie, Chloe’ and Mike, your cat siblings, and gave them not a moments peace.

Then last August we found another lump and your cancer was back. The bump became quite large, I called you bumps. You were my boy and try as I did I couldn’t save you this time. You lasted 13 months and I knew it was time to let you go. I loved you Spank and even though we still have 4 you were the one for me. I miss you beside me at night and your kisses and will see you again one day.




Kathy Acton