Sparky by Angela and Dave A. / Angela and Dave

Sparky wondered onto our doorstep about 5 years ago (he was about 10). He was malnourished, but fine. We took him into our home and hearts. For 5 years, we loved him like a child. He was our ‘little boy’.

He was sick, but they never figured out what was wrong and he played like a kitten and seemed happy, so we were fine. Whatever was wrong took over suddenly one day and we had to say goodbye to end the sudden suffering.

It was the toughest decision ever made. As I held him in that little room, he looked right up at me and softly meowed, saying goodbye, I love you and thank you for the best 5 years of my life.

Sparky will NEVER be forgotten as he lives on in our hearts and memories.

I wrote this poem in his honor….which is also hanging up with a picture of him at his vet, the emergency clinic and Feline Rescue.

We have a picture of him along with a clay paw print with his name in a shadowbox to be hung by his favorite perch.

Feline Rescue helped when he first arrived to us and need attention, so I started volunteering to say thank you…now I continue to volunteer in his honor. He’d want that.

He’s laughing and playing and healthy and purring at the Rainbow Bridge and we will meet again….

Through the eyes of Sparky

A cold, dark night in Minnesota

I came to your door hoping you’d hear

And you comforted me, fed me

Took me into your home.

Welcoming me, treating me like family

You took me into your hearts

My love for you continued to grow

As you fondly referred to me as your son.

I liked to run through the house

Jump on the bed and start to play

Gaze out the window from my perch

Play with my toys strewn around the room.

Purring like a motor as you brushed me

Rolling over for a belly scratch

Laying by your side as you slept

I kept you in my own heart.

The sad, sad day when you had to say goodbye

You held me close and I knew

Looking into your eyes, I said goodbye

And thank you for the best 5 years of my life.

Sparky, you will never be forgotten…in our hearts forever. We love you.

Thank you for helping us heal~


Love always,
Angela and Dave A.