Spike by Marsha Britton / Marsha K. Britton

My son and I came upon Spike, a white miniature 9 lb. poodle of approximately 1 1/2 years. My son, age 13 at the time, expressed that he wasn’t a boys’ dog. He looked like a “Fifi” with his haircut. However, when I said “Sit,” Spike obeyed. “He listens better then my sons,” I announced. “I want him”.

Through the years, Spike was truly a boys’ dog, as he romped in snow and son with my three sons. He loved car rides, long walks, and sharing ice cream with my husband.

We affectionately called Spike “Dog Nurse.” When any one of us was ill, he would stay by our side for hours on end. When my young son was ill with Lymes Disease, he was a great comfort to him in his time of need. When a chiropractor once came to the house to work on my back, he had to work with Spike up against my body!

Spike was with me constantly in the computer room as I completed my dissertation for my doctorate. I am sure that he would rather have been outside playing in the sun, but, nevertheless, he sat by my side for hours on end and listened and agreed to all that I expressed!He would also be sure to come into the room to get me to bed in the wee hours of the morning. I acknowledged the little guy in my dissertation.

Spike passed away from congestive heart failure this past weekend. We are truly at a LOSS. We weren’t prepared to lose the love of our lives. I only hope that he knows how grateful we are for all of his companionship and unwavering love. We did not get to say goodbye.


We hurt so..we love and miss you, Spike.
Marsha Britton