1984 —- Nov. 18 1999
Well she wasn’t my cat
at least not in the ownership sense of the word.
When we moved to our new home about 2 ½ years ago
we noticed her that summer.
She’d come over to visit our cats and sit outside teasing them
and there were many mock cat fights through her favorite window.
As time went by we’d see more and more of her.
I thought her to be a stray and began to feed her.
She never did come into the house though preferring
to take her chances with the outside world.
I guess the thought of meeting all our cats seemed like the
greater of two evils. But Oh she was so smart.
I never once saw her go out to the street.
When I finally thought for sure she was a stray I decided
to get her to a vet. I made one last effort to make sure she
had no owner and went door to door asking various
neighbors if they owned this cute kitty.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that she not only had
an owner but lived right behind me.
The owners informed me that Spooky was 13 years old.
I couldn’t believe it. She looked like a very young cat.
But after observing her more closely I noticed that some of
her jet black fun had flecks of gray in it.
Still her advanced years did not prevent her from having
kittens and late that summer she had a litter.
Again in the summer of 1998 she had another litter of 3 this time.
By late last fall Spooky was basically calling my garage home.
I always made sure there was food and water for her and
a warm and comfortable bed for her to sleep in.
I couldn’t believe she wouldn’t go to her own home on even
the most bitterly cold nights but apparently she felt safer here.
When spring came I noticed that Spooky had a new friend.
A male cat as black as she was. When other males would
come near her she made it known that they better back
off but the black male that we named Big Spooky was
allowed to stay nearby.
One day I saw them mating. My heart sank.
I’ve always spayed and neutered my own cats but I could
do nothing about someone else’s and at 14 I couldn’t imagine
what having kittens would do to her.
But months went by with no signs of her getting ready
to have another litter and I figured that perhaps at her
advanced age she would finally be able to rest.
Still her and Big Spooky remained close and I’d find them
side by side sitting in the sun day after day.
Yesterday was no different from any other.
There in the morning for some quick petting and some food.
Outside when I had to go down the street.
Sitting on the hood of my car last night around 8 p.m.
This morning when I got up she wasn’t waiting for me.
I thought because it had been fairly cold out that she
might have gone home. By 11 I was wondering where she was.
Big Spooky had been around and one of the other
males that visits us from time to time.
I had to go out for several hours and when I returned,
I looked for her but still no Spooky.
Shortly after I got back by husband came through the door
carrying her in his arms. I remember thinking how odd that
she’d let him pick her up.
She really didn’t like to be held. Then I noticed that her little
body was stiff. Sometime after 8 p.m. the night before Spooky
went to Rainbow Bridge.
No marks no sign of any struggle but my wonderful Spooky
was gone. The people who live next door to us had found her
body and it looked like someone had placed her next to
their driveway. She appeared to be sleeping.
I felt really bad but knew I had to go over and tell her owners.
Even though she’d been basically living over here for the
last 6 months this was their cat of 15 years.
I thought they’d be devastated.
You know sometimes you only have to look around you to
find the lowest life form. Just as I was walking over I saw
them pull out of their driveway so I flagged the car down.
I said I’ve got some really bad news. We just found
Spooky’s body. They never blinked an eye just went oh.
I said I have her if you want her and they said no.
I said my good byes and thought how sad that they didn’t
shed a tear over their pet of 15 years.
I went back to the box I had placed her body in and told her
that she’d be resting with the Old Cat.
And then I cried and cried. I hope I never get so jaded that I
don’t mourn the passing of a beloved pet even if I’m not the owner.
I just lost my Old Cat on Nov. 9th.
If my heart had started healing this has ripped it wide open again.
I’ll miss that little girl who was always friendly and loving.
We’ll be burying her next to the Old Cat.
Now he has a friend to play with.
For Spooky Quiet and shy. Pretty and smart.
It didn’t take long till you captured my heart.
Sometimes a tom boy but certainly the queen.
Always a teaser but never ever mean.
This was a cat that I never owned.
A cat who picked us though she had her own home.
Not wanting much. Just some food and some love.
Now gone to the Bridge in Heaven above.
The Old Cat is new there but I bet that you’ve met.
All healed now and healthy a beautiful pet.
He’ll show you the meadows and fields where you’ll play.
Till we can all be together some glorious day.
Now who will meet me when I come home at night?
Or be happy to see me in the dawn’s early light?
Perhaps we don’t get more than we can bear but Spooky
I miss you and I’ll always care.
Love from you non-owners
Roberta Cliff Sharon and Chris and all your cat playmates
especially Big Spooky.
Spooky |