Spot by Lin Sian, Lin Yi, Lin Fen / Lin Sian, Lin Yi, Lin Fen, Clement, Daniel

3 days and 6 months after losing my beloved friend, Lady, I lost another friend by the name of Spot. He came to our family sometime end of October, 2002. My father brought him home from work as his friend no longer wanted to own a pet.

I remembered the day when I came back from work and dad told me that he has brought home another dog. I guess dad didn’t know how to manage him that was why he was kept in a cage instead being left to run in the garden. When I first approached him, he gave me a look that seemed to be telling me that he was sad to be abandoned. He was a 4 years old, Jack Russell Terrier with black spot on white fur coat. Strangely, his head seemed to be bigger in proportion to his active little body. And ironically, his face resembled my other friend, Lady, a Dachshund, except for a white line that sits symmetrically on the center of his adorable face. Looking at his sad face, I freed him from the cage and instantaneously, he leaped onto me
as if he was thankful.

He was an extremely playful and active dog. Often ran round the garden and he loved to leap whenever anyone is home, particularly when my sisters and brother-in-law were home. In the first couple of days, his joyful leaping would unintentionally caused mild scratches on our thighs and arms. Though the cuts hurt, looking at how happy he was to see us home was all that it matters. Spot was not exactly welcomed into the family initially as some of us weren’t sure if we really wanted to keep another pet dog, while the rest of us were wondering
if he was truly a pedigree.

It was after a couple of hours of playing with him that I began to develop a sense of liking for him and I gave him the name “Spot”, I thought it was an appropriate name for him as he had a couple of black patches on him and the name seemed to fit pretty well with his playful and wise personality.

Unlike any other dogs that would stay distance having been moved to another family, Spot was very warm and friendly to all the family members. In fact, he was rather obedient for he knew when to play and when to just stay near to your feet and
to feel your warmth and presence next to him.

He was the first dog that won my dad’s open expression of liking. Dad would sit by the staircase while watching TV and Spot would go to him to be stroked. Whenever the gate opened, Spot would dash out of the house and would create a big stir in the house as everyone will go on a dog hunt. Dad was particularly cautious of anyone coming in and out of the house all these while for fear of losing Spot.

In less than 2 days, Snow, my other pet, got accustomed to Spot. Both would play and chase each other around the house. Needless to say, both would bark together at the same old postman and the neighbors’ dogs. Spot brought us all much laughter in the house, his curiosity particularly towards the new born baby niece, his radar-like ears that responded to the slightest sound in and around the house, and it was his affectionate and
warmth touch that won many of our hearts.

On Saturday 23 November, 2002. Having dropped mum home, I decided to get off the car to take a look at the dogs. Strangely, only Snow was at the door to welcome us. It was only until I went inside the house that I noticed Spot walked out of the kitchen. He has lost the glitter in his eyes and he seemed sad with his ears down. I thought he probably had a bad stomach and would be fine thereafter. Watching him for a while, I decided to bring him out for a walk with his favourite leash. As expected, he leaped with joy. That allayed my fear that he was terribly sick for a while. Unlike other days where he would run and drag you along with the leash, he wasn’t as active as he used to be during the walk.
I supposed he was just tired.

The following morning, 24 November 2002, my sister called and said that Spot had vomited and we need to send him to the hospital. The initial diagnosis showed that Spot might has contracted parasite related illness, and he should be able to recover with proper treatment even though there was sign of Kidney problem. In the late afternoon, the blood test confirmed that the initial diagnosis was incorrect and his condition could not be too severe. We were relieved
to hear the news.

On Monday afternoon, expecting to fetch Spot home that evening, I gave the Animal Hospital a call. To my dismay, the vet informed that Spot’s condition had worsened, apart from the Kidney problem,
his liver was also affected.

In the next couple of days, his condition worsened and in no time, he was suffering from Kidney failure. The rate the virus was attacking him was so rapid that the other vets weren’t sure what he has contracted. Various types of medication were given to him in the hope that he will pull through. The only hope we can clench on is
his young age and will to live.

We visited him daily to give our support and to encourage him to stay strong and fight the battle. Each day, we were told we were losing more of his remaining kidney. My heart sunk once again and the emotional trauma we went through when we lost Lady emerged ever-so clearly. Though we only had Spot for a month of so, he had stole our heart through his cheery nature. He has this ability to lift up your spirit no matter how lousy was your day, enjoying his warmth welcome at the gate put all the negativity completely out of your mind.

As we prepared for the worse, the worse came so very quickly and cruelly to us. 29 November, we were told his Kidney was severely damaged and his chance of survival was extremely slim. The words felt like tons of weights loaded onto me and my heart felt being squashed
by a pair of clamp.

We could only watched as he vomited right before us and grew weaker in the last 5 hours we were by his side. The decision to put him down was too cruel to be made for he still looked well and alert and responsive to our every movement. Looking at his teardrop eyes, I asked him if he really wanted to sleep, I got no answer but the constant vomiting seemed to be telling us he wanted to go. Still in disbelieve that Spot had been deprived of all possible chance of survival, we seek a final confirmation from the vet that
we weren’t prematurely terminating his life.

Despite our emotional struggle and reluctance to let him go, the facts of his deteriorating health led us to our consensus to relieve Spot from his suffering. We took turns to hug him and to bid our farewell. I held him in my arms when the lethal injection was given to him. I remember so vividly of the moment Spot departed in my arms, I could feel life creeping out of his warm but tiny body. I guess I must have scared him with my cry of fear, lost and guilt, but it was just not possible to hold back when the pain was that excruciating. I told him I am sorry, sorry for taking his life, sorry for my selfishness, sorry for causing his suffering.

At 10pm, Spot left us in the presence of all my sisters. I guess dad felt the same way too, just that he doesn’t express it. I questioned why must God take away not just 1 but 2 of my best friends all within a few months. If his intention is to let me learn to treasure all I love, why did he have to take such painful measures to remind me. I have learned and I have learned it hard with the lost of Lady.

I wrote on the urn of Lady that if tears would build a bridge, we would climb up to heaven to bring you home. If it takes more tears to build another bridge, I believe we would be able to bring both Spot and Lady home by now.

I dedicate this message to our beloved friend, Spot. Farewell and Rest Well, my dearest friend. You will forever own a piece of our heart and memories. He was cremated on 1 December 2002, 2pm.


All Who Love You
Lin Sian, Lin Yi, Lin Fen