My best friend was a dog named SPUNKY. My husband at the time got him for me for Christmas. He was a wonderful gift. He got his name because he was so spunky. He did everything with me. He slept with me; ate with me, even sat in the bathroom with me.

As he got older you could see the differences. One month after my mom died, I noticed he was not acting right so I took him to the vet and found out he had diabetes. So this meant a life change. I had to give 2 shots a day, if I noticed certain things I had to take him back to the vet. He gradually got cateracts on his eyes; he became totally blind. He knew his way around the house but if he ever got out of his surroundings
he was lost.

About 4 years later he had gotten worse, so I had to make a decision. It was not one I wanted to make; I even waited for the vet to tell me it was time, but they never did. So one day he did not know where he was or who I was and was just walking around in circles. So after 1 week I talked to him, and he let me know he was ready. So I called the vet and made the appointment. The people there were so good to me and my Spunk. I will never forget the kindness they showed me at
this very difficult time.

Anyway spunky is buried in my back yard, tombstone and all. He is buried in the sun because he always liked to lay in the sun. I miss the little fellow. but I know when it comes my time to go, he will be there waiting for me at my mom and dad’s house.


I love you.