Taby by Lloyd Johnson / Lloyd & Jean

One summer day this Taby Cat jumped on my lap & as I raised Birds as a hobby I Did not want a cat around. So I got her of my lap & squirted water at her from hose. She ran away. The next day as I was siting onmy lawn chair. She jumped on my lap again. My wife Jean being a very compassionate person gave her some food. that was it. She adopted us. After we had her about 5 years we took a 3 day trip & had the boy next door water & take of dog Cody & cat Taby. When we got home there was no sign of Taby. It was like loosing a member of our family.

I only prayed that she did not suffer too much. It took me about 6 months to get over It & still think about her once in a while It has been about 5 years since she left. Lloyd & Jean Johnson


In Loving memory,
Lloyd Johnson