Our family will not be the same without our beloved Tasha. Although she was a 130 lb. Rottweiler, she was always gentle as a lamb to all of our family, including our 3-year-old granchildren, Aidan and Kyra; yet she was the ultimate guardian of us all. She was the smartest dog we have ever known, and was able to communicate with us in so many ways. She would always meet us at the door as we entered the house, nuzzle up and smile the biggest doggie smile in the world as we scratched behind her ears. We all miss her so very much!
Early this month (July ’06) she spent her last vacation with us – and, although she was suffering with cancer (we didn’t know that yet!), she was as loving and respectful as ever. When we returned after our week at the cottage, and took her to the vet because of her left rear leg limp, we were told the sad news. Our vet was able to reassure us that ten days of meds would make her comfortable – so we were able to take care of her and give her extra-special attention during that time. Our two kids, and our two grandkids, were able to visit with her almost daily – and when the time came to say our final good-byes, Tasha was able to reassure us with her smile that she was going to be with us
forever in our hearts.
Tasha – thank you for the ten years you gave us –
we will never forget you!
All our love and affection,
Tasha |
Don and Maureen |