TAYLOR by LBJ / You sent me Pumpkin

It broke my heart when I put you to sleep in April 2002 and then I put Spanky to sleep in Jan 2004. I missed you both so bad that I ask you two to send me a sign that you were together.
When I went on the internet looking for another dog, I found Pumpkin, an English Cream Dachshund.
I did not know that this kind of dog was out there but he looked like a combination of you and Spanky so I got him. He was born on Dec. 26 just before Spanky was put to sleep in Jan.
I think you found him and told him to find me when he got to earth.
He is my sign that you two are together and happy.
Pumpkin is into everything and he is helping me to get beyond the loss of you and Spanky but I will never get over your not being here.
Look after each other until I get there.



You are my heart ,