Taz by Fiona Wallace / Danielle, Melissa , Robert ,and Akira xxxx

Goodbye Taz

You came to me a puppy, when I didn’t have a clue

About the kind of puppy things that you would like to do.

A few chewed sox and things,
and the look that said who me?

I didn’t realize how wonderful puppies could really be.

I grew up frightened,
and was told that all dogs were bad.

By a silly kind of mother,
oh she must be mad!

She never knew the love you brought and
the giggles that we had.

When she would tell you off and say
that you were bad

Nobody could believe it when I arrived home with you.

Neighbors hung out the windows
to see what was ado.

What is that you have got?
My neighbor said to me

A dog? in fact a Dobermann?
Oh this I have to see.

We had some teething troubles,
all these things new to me

Like toilet training, accidents and
cleaning up your pee.

But Taz my lad you taught me oh so very very much.

That other dogs just bark to say hello and very rarely touch.

I remember all your firsts
the things I had never seen.

Like barking at the cooker glass, and jumping like a bean.

Remember when you went for me?
Oh I got such a fright.

I even called your dad up and
he had to come home that night.

We tried some training classes,
but they were not for us.

The guy was kinda cruel and
so I kicked up a fuss.

So it was you and me together
we learned stay and come.

You learned recall quickly and
how to sit on you bum.

In the busy house when the growing
kids would fight

I often wondered
if you would ever turn or bite?

You just got in the middle
pushing with your bum.

You always looked so proud,
as if to say that’s it sorted mum.

You were always
such a softy and
gave in to them all.

You were always there with kisses
when one of them would fall.

I think Mel always had
a special place
in your heart.

I know she’s going to miss you
loads now that your apart.

You were always such a good boy with you
they broke the mold.

None of us realized that you were even getting old.

You still loved running up the park and
boy could you move fast

You never even slowed down, until the very last.

Even as a wee guy you were
always full of fun.

I can still have a chuckle
at the silly things you’ve done.

Like jumping off the patio,
and giving us such a fright.

You didn’t even realize
the difference in the height.

You always had to sit so close or
perch right on my knee.

Or park your bum up on the seat,
legs hanging off the settee.

You always backed right in to us
when we were sitting down.

You even sat on kiddies heads
you really were a clown.

Lying on the floor you often winked at me.

I found that pretty sweet,
I didn’t know you see.

That dogs can wink and smile and things.

I wasn’t prepared for the love a doggy brings.

Too may things to mention
in the years that we had.

Thanks to you I know now
that no dog is really bad.

I watched you with Akira,
growls barks and such.

Taz my lovely boy you taught me
oh so much

I learned about play biting and
trying to push your luck.

I learned about dogs playing and
rolling in the muck.

I learned your endless patience
when Akira came to stay.

I learned so much about the way
that dogs like to play.

You loved your new playmate and together
you had so much fun.

She never knew the boundaries and
she got you on the run.

She teased and pounced and stole your chews
but you took it in your stride.

You only told her off the once,
remember the squeak and her running to hide?

Akira is a very determined puppy and
she must have been a pain.

But you played with her for hours
when it must have been a strain.

She came into your home and
from day one thought she was boss.

You were always so good with her, I know she feels the loss.

You went downhill so quickly and
they didn’t have a clue.

Of what was really wrong or really what to do.

You looked so miserable and
so ashamed you hung your head

I could not stand to see you unhappy and
messing in your bed.

The confusion and the panic I started
seeing in your eyes.

Every time your legs went,
it took you by surprise.

You were always so active and such a happy dog.

I hope you will forgive me
for having to play god.

I had to make the awful choice
that really broke my heart.

I let you go with dignity, and we will never be apart.

I know I made the right choice
you were just so awfully sad

But I really wish a few more years
together we could have had

Rainbow Bridge has called you and
I know I had to let you go.

But I will think about you every day
as I am sure you will know.

Run free my lovely fella,
I can see you in my mind.

Playing with all the other dogs, you never cared what kind.

Akira is lost without you;
she’s still looking for you now.

I don’t know if she understand
the why? the where? the how?

You were always such a happy boy and
never gave us trouble.

Trying to find the right words
has really made me bubble.

I guess I have to say
the last words that I can

Goodbye my special boy
you were such a gentleman.

We love you, Taz, and you know
we always will.

Remember that
as you chase your new pals up the hill.


Love Always Your Mum Fiona xxxx
28, Jan 2005
Fiona Wallace