Teaka by Robyn Day / Momma

I brought Teaka home when she was 3 months old. She fit in the palm of my hand, less than 1 pound! The first night I put her in her cage she started screaming. She never was caged again! Teaka slept above my head for 13 1/2 years. She was my heart and soul. She was with me and pulled me through many hard times and there were many. As long as I had my Teaka everything was going to be ok.

In fall of 2006 Teaka was diagnosed with 2nd stage kidney failure. I was devastated. I swore I would hold off the inevitable for as long as I could through aggressive veterinarian visits and treatments. I started cooking her food. The forth visit in Oct. showed her levels were actually better than before. Then in February her visit showed her levels were up again. We were going to give her an electrolyte flush. This is just fluids and is virtually harmless. When I took her in for her treatment I asked if anything bad would happen, they said “no it’s just fluids”. I pondered and was convinced to go to work and they would call and I would pick her up in 4 – 5 hours. I gave Teaka a kiss and said “Momma loves you” I will be right back to get my girl” You be a good girl” Momma loves” and kissed her again. As I got in my car I thought no I will stay with her, but no, I drove to work. At 1p.m. the vet called. “We don’t know what happened, she was fine after the fluids, we just took her out for a pee and she collapsed. I went weak, my heart stopped for a moment. When I got to the vets I was numb. My heart my soul is gone.

It’s been 3 months now since she has been gone. I am doing better each day. But the pain at night can be unbearable. I will never ever forgive myself for not staying. All the times she was there for me.

Teaka please forgive me. I love you so, I never knew this would happen, the experts said it wouldn’t. Please forgive me my love. I will love you always and forever and ever. Please visit me in my dreams. I miss you so very much Teaka.


Love forever and ever and ever,
Robyn Day