TEEJAEE by Jane,Woody

This is to wish our sweet, little precious angel a wonderful Happy Birthday on October 12. She turned a whole 13!
Her tired lil body went to rest on September 30, 2004, yet her sweet, loving precious spirit and soul remains with us each minute of the day. We can still feel her romping around the house, and running through the yard, and with each lil bounce, she still whispers to our hearts, “LOOK GUYS, I’M STILL HERE”, as she brushes past us.
We still and always will miss your physical presence our lil baby doll, yet you make it hard to shed a tear when we sit and cry, because as always, you come and kiss away the tears and let us know you are still with us and make us smile. We know your lil body is now resting, and your soul is happy and free of pain and thats what makes us happy.

The kids still miss you terribly, and lil miss Taylor tells me and her mommy daily, “Teejaee’ nigh night” . You our lil precious angel , so sweet and beautiful, will always be in our hearts , and we still say “Teejaee’, we are home” when we walk in and know you run to us as always, and Mr. Mickey will try to get into the recliner, also know as “The Queen’s Throne” aka, “Teejaee’s chair” and he will look and back away as you have said NO NO boy, this is my chair, and we know you are there!

We know many people out there lose their special “kids” each day, and our heart breaks for them also. There is nothing like losing your “kid(pets)” , the one who was always there for you no matter what, always had a kiss and hug or a friendly wag of the lil tail to say “hi, I love youuuuuuuuu” and the patter of the lil feet running across the floor to get into your arms like it is the last time they will ever see you.

Our deepest sincere sympathy to each and everyone of you that has lost a best friend. Love your pets like it is the last time you may see them, and know, that their tired lil bodies may have left us, but their sweet loving souls and spirits remain with us to continue loving us and watching over us as they always have, until our time comes to leave, and they meet us again with a wagging tail, a hug and a kiss and say “I’m sooooooo happy to see you all again”, welcome home!


Always in our hearts,We love you,