Tessie by Bob and Sandi Rezner / Bob and Sandi (Dad & Mom)

What can one say about
the magic of a dog’s love and devotion?

Tessie came to us at 8 months of age from the Humane society. She was a regal purebred Boxer surrendered by an elderly man
who could not train her.

She was a fireball with a zest for life I have never known in any other creature 2 legged or 4 legged. She loved to run, go for rides, carry mail in, bring buckets back to the house, help you drag the hose or assist (by biting the wheels) you as you dragged the garbage can
to the top of the driveway.

She learned to herd horses, get them up when they were down, load them in the trailer. She was never taught this but just seemed to know
what needed doing.

She loved everyone and would almost fold in half in her excitement to greet you. When her tail wagged the whole dog wagged. It was hard to have a bad day when she was in it.

To say we loved her would be an understatement. We would have gone to any length to keep her happy and healthy. Sadly on December 18th of 2003 she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and we opted to have her right hind leg amputated. Still her zest for life continued on 3 legs. She needed some help with stairs and getting in the truck, but seemed to manage quite well. We prayed for a miracle to save her as this is a very aggressive cancer and there is no cure.
We knew she was going to die, but hope springs eternal and so we hoped each day for another day more. February 10th in the evening she fell down and could not get up. Even with help she could not support her weight. The vet came the next morning and while I was holding her beautiful head in my lap she quietly returned to God.

She was a driving force in our lives and will forever be missed. If all good dogs go to heaven she is surely there with our Lord.


Forever in our Hearts,
Bob and Sandi Rezner