Thor by The Bell Family / The Bell Family (Andy, Theresa, Sam, Greg, Joe)

A couple of years ago, we found this website when our oldest dog passed away. Max and Thor were very close. We placed Max in your website, and now we must do the same for Thor.

Let me tell you a little about Thor, I know that is a funny name, but we did not name him. When Max was around two years old, we had our first son, and I tried to work for awhile, our babysitters found Thor when he was a puppy, after a short time they decided they couldn’t keep him. And we already had Max, and they asked if we wanted Thor. We said sure! That way Max would have company, and a friend. Thor was the same age as my son too. Thor took to our family wonderfully!

Thor and Max were two peas in a pod. Real brothers (never mind one was an airdale mix and the other was a collie mix). Thor was not the most intellegent dog in the world, and we made jokes about that. But as a true smart guy, he had no common sense, but he was smart. He was also known as Dr. Thor as a nickname. You see Thor had the ability to know when one of us was under the weather, or when we were sick
he was always right there.

During the pass couple of years I have had health complications myself, and Thor stayed by my side. If he was outside with me and doing his business and all of a sudden, I started to vomit, He stopped doing what he was doing and come up to me. He stayed glued to me even after my surgery. Thor rested his chin on the strangest of things. He always had to have a chin rest.

Thor was with us for 14 years! Our youngest son had a special bond with Thor, they were buddies! This is a very hard time, and he will be missed deeply. There are so many great stories of Thor, but I can’t write them all down. Right now we know he is in a happier place. Thor is up in Heaven and he is with his brother, Max. Those two are back together, and very happy! We will miss you Thor. But always know that you will remain in our hearts and soul forever!


With Love,
The Bell Family